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User Groups

Why do this?

Admins can create user groups to streamline the task of adding individual users to workflow templates and workflows.

Who can do this?

Only Admins can create and manage user groups.

Additional Considerations

  • You can create user groups with members who have similar permissions, but user groups do not affect permissions. The application checks permissions when a user group is added to an active workflow. Only group members with permissions matching the workflow will be added.

  • If a member of a user group is randomly assigned to a workflow, then that user will be assigned to all phases of the workflow in which the user group is a participant.

User Groups as Phase Managers

If a user group is added to a workflow phase as Phase Manager, and there is no user in the group with appropriate Phase Owner or Phase Mediator permissions, then the workflow will be created with no Phase Manager.

Admins will receive an email notification alerting them that a workflow without a Phase Manager has been created.

  • In the workflow, Admins and Phase Owners with appropriate permissions will see a Set Phase Manager where the Phase Manager name usually appears, allowing them to set a Phase Manager.

  • The newly selected Phase Manager will receive email and in-app notifications alerting them of their assignment.

Default Assignees
  • A user group may have one or more default assignees. The order in which they are listed determines the order in which the application will attempt to assign them to a workflow.

    • If the first user in the Default Assignees list has insufficient permissions to be assigned to a workflow, then the application will attempt to assign the next Default Assignee on the list.

    • If no users on the Default Assignees list have sufficient permissions for the workflow, then a random user from the group with sufficient permissions will be assigned.

    • If a user group has no default assignee, then a random member of the group with appropriate permissions will be assigned to the workflow.

  • Having a default assignee does not prevent other members of the user group from being sequenced as participants when a user group is assigned as a participant for a workflow template. However, only the default assignee will be assigned as Phase Manager or sequenced as a Reviewer or Approver.

User Placement Options

Admin Fallback Placement

When creating or editing a user group, an Admin can enable or disable Admin Fallback Placement in the User Placement Options panel.

  • When Admin Fallback Placement is enabled, if no user in a user group has the proper role, Location, and Contract Type permission set to be assigned to a workflow, then an Admin within the user group will automatically be assigned.

  • By default, Admin fallback functionality is enabled.

  • Hovering over the ℹ next to Admin Fallback Placement reveals a tooltip: Specify whether an Admin in the User Group (if present) should be placed in another role as a fallback if no user in the User Group is able to be placed based on an exact match of role, Contract Type, and Location.

Default Assignee Permission Sets to Consider

When creating or editing a user group, Admins can decide if a Default Assignee placement from that group should consider permission sets that are not designated as Default Assignee.

  • For the Default Assignee Permission Sets to consider field, an Admin can select one of two options:
    All Permission Sets | Only Permission Sets with Default Assignee Designation.

    • By default, All Permission Sets is selected.

    • Hovering over the ℹ reveals a tooltip: When attempting placement of Default Assignees from this User Group, specify which user Permission Sets should be considered. Regardless of the selection, if no matches are found on the Default Assignee list, the system will assess all Permission Sets from all User Group members.

  • If All Permission Sets is selected, then the first Default Assignee on the list with appropriate permissions will be inserted into the workflow, regardless of whether permission set itself is designated as Default Assignee.

  • If Only Permission Sets with Default Assignee Designation is selected, then the first Default Assignee on the list with an appropriate set of Default Assignee permissions will be inserted into the workflow.

  • In both cases, when the ranked Default Assignee list is exhausted, other group members' permission sets will be considered.

  • Other user placement rules will remain unchanged.

User Group Phase Participant Scenarios

User groups are handled in various ways depending on when and where they are added, and whether there is a default assignee.

Within Workflow Templates

User group is added, but not sequenced, to a workflow template as a Reviewer/Approver/Signatory.
  • All members of the group (with appropriate permissions) will be added as phase participants to an active workflow.

  • None of the group members will be sequenced.

User group is added and sequenced to a workflow template as a Reviewer/Approver/Signatory.
  • All members of the group (with appropriate permissions) will be added as phase participants to an active workflow.

  • If there is a Default Assignee in the group (with appropriate permissions), then only that user will be sequenced.

  • If there is no Default Assignee in the group, or if the Default Assignee has insufficient permissions, then one random member of the group (with appropriate permissions) will be assigned to all applicable phases of an active workflow.

Within Active Workflows

User group is added, but not sequenced, to an active workflow as a Reviewer/Approver/Signatory.
  • All members of the group (with appropriate permissions) will be added as phase participants to an active workflow.

  • None of the group members will be sequenced.

User group is added and sequenced to an active workflow as a Reviewer/Approver/Signatory.

All members of the group (with appropriate permissions) will be added and sequenced as phase participants in an active workflow.

How to Access User Groups

Hover the cursor over Admin, then select User Groups.

User groups are displayed in a standard table, where you can filter the table, manage the columns, and export the table.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    Group Size | Group Name | Status | Created Date | Last Modified

  • The following column is available via the Manage Columns widget:

  • Click on a user group name to open it.

How to Add a User Group

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Groups.

  • Click Create Group.

  • REQUIRED: In the Add Group modal, enter a unique Group Name.

  • REQUIRED: Select the Group Category

Group Categories are determined during customer implementation.

  • REQUIRED: Select the Status:
    Active | Inactive

Only active user groups can be added as workflow participants. However, changing an existing user group’s status to inactive will not affect active workflows in which the user group is a phase participant.

  • Enter a Description.

  • When finished, click Save. The modal will close, and the user group management page will open.

  • OR
    To close the modal without adding a user group, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Filter the Add Group Members Table by Permissions

You can filter Contract Types by Contract Category:
  • Click Filter by Contract Category.

  • In the new dropdown, select a contract category. The Contract Type dropdown will only show contract types within the selected contract category.

  • To remove the filter, click Hide Contract Category Filter.

You must select at least one location, role, and contract Type for the filter to work.

  • Check the Default Assignee box to filter for users with Default Assignee permissions.

  • Click Check Permissions. The Select People tab in the Add Group Members table will populate according to the criteria you selected.

How to Add Members to a User Group

  • After filtering the Add Group Members table by permissions, in the Select People tab, check the box for each user you want to add.
    The selected user (or users) move from the Select People tab to the Selected tab.

  • At the bottom of the user group management page, click Save.
    To close the page without saving changes, click Cancel.

How to Edit a User Group

  • In the Groups table, click on a group to open it.

  • Edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.

To export the permissions information for a user group, click Export Group Permissions.

  • This will download a CSV file of the (non-Default Assignee) user group members list containing the following information: User | Role | Contract Type | Contract Location

  • The spreadsheet will be formatted to show a separate row for every unique combination of User, Role, Contract Type, and Contract Location, so that multiple roles will be devoted to each user.

How to Delete a User Group

  • In the Groups table, click on a group to open it.

  • At the bottom of the page, click Delete.

  • In the confirmation popup, click Delete.

Deleting a group will not remove the individual group members from a workflow.

How to Add a Default Assignee

  • In the User Groups table, click on a user group to open it.

  • Click the caret to open the Default Assignees section.

  • Click (+) Add Default Assignee.

To be selected as a default assignee:

  • The user must already be a member of the user group.

  • The user must have the Default Assignee checkbox checked in their user profile for at least one permission set.

    • To open a Manage User modal, click the pencil icon to the left of the user name. You’ll be able to edit the user’s permissions and check the Default Assignee box.

  • In the Add New Assignee modal, select the user (or users) you want to designate as a Default Assignee, then click Add.
    To close the modal without adding a user group, click Cancel or ✖.

The modal will close and you’ll be returned to the user group management page.

  • At the bottom of the user group management page, click Save.
    To close the page without saving changes, click Cancel.

If a Default Assignee’s permissions are changed so that they is no longer eligible to be a Default Assignee (i.e. an Admin unchecks the Default Assignee checkbox in the user’s permissions), then the next time that user group is opened, the ineligible Default Assignee will automatically be removed from the Default Assignees list.

How to Edit the Default Assignees for a User Group

  • To change the order of the Default Assignees, click and drag the double arrow to the right of a user name.

  • To delete a user from the Default Assignees list, click the blue trash can to the right of the user name.

To export the Default Assignee information for a user group, click Export Default Assignments.

  • This will download a CSV file of the Default Assignees list containing the following information: User | Role | Contract Type | Contract Location

  • The spreadsheet will be formatted to show a separate row for every unique combination of User, Role, Contract Type, and Contract Location, so that multiple roles will be devoted to each user.

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