2024.4 Prerelease Notes
The 2024.4 Release has been tentatively scheduled for the week ending August 16th!
In addition to the feature detailed below, this release will include numerous defect fixes.
This release will occur on or after August 14th.
DocuSign and fillable PDFs, comment support, and original document appearance
Users will be able to see comments and field values entered on fillable PDFs on uploaded documents sent to DocuSign via symplr Contract. [885880]
Previously, users were unable to see the original version of a contract sent to DocuSign after it had been through OCR. Because of the changes imposed by OCR, they could no longer see comments or field values entered in fillable PDFs.
This feature will show the original (pre-OCR) contract in the application, so that users can see comments and field values entered on fillable PDFs.
This will apply to existing and future documents.