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2024.5 Prerelease Notes

The 2024.5 Release has been tentatively scheduled for the week ending Friday, September 13th!

This release will occur on or after September 10th.

These are the features and enhancements that may be included in the upcoming release. Please note that this list is subject to change.



Retain Admin privileges for users with Admin and Approver/Reviewer/Phase Mediator role in workflows

When a user with the Admin role is sequenced into a workflow, during their turn, they'll be able to perform Admin functions as well as the functions of their assigned role within the workflow. [855779, 962853]

  • This will apply for Admins sequenced as the active Reviewer, Approver, Phase Owner, Phase Mediator, or Admin.

  • They will see the buttons applicable to their current active, sequenced role in the workflow (such as Submit Review) as well as the actions restricted to Admins and Phase Owners (Retract Phase, Reassign, Skip Participant, Cancel Workflow).

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