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Conflict Capture Campaign Management

Who can do this?

  • Admin or Super Admin

  • Campaign Coordinator

Campaign Statuses

A Campaign Coordinator or Admin can see the status of campaigns.

  •  Pending: A campaign has been created but not yet scheduled.

    • It can be tested, scheduled, or deleted.

  •  Scheduled:  A campaign has been scheduled (Start Date and Duration entered) but the Start Date has not been met. 

    • It can be tested, scheduled, or deleted.

  •  Active: The Start Date has been met.

    • It can be cancelled, and the schedule can be viewed.

  •  Complete: The End Date has been met.

    • The schedule can be viewed.

  •  Cancelled: The campaign was cancelled.  

    • The schedule can be viewed.

How to create a campaign

Creating a campaign is the act of coordinating the appropriate users, contracts, and conflict capture forms to deploy, collect, and review conflict of interest statements for your healthcare organization.

  • Go to the Conflict Capture organization in your tenant.

  • Go to Explore > Conflict Capture > Campaigns.

  • Click Setup New Campaign.

  • Select a Category.
    This will populate the campaign with users and form templates within the category.
    Only active categories that are not currently part of a scheduled campaign will be available for selection.

  • Enter a unique Campaign Name.

  • Select a Conflict Capture Statement Template.
    This is the conflict capture statement that the Respondent(s) will complete. Only active templates will be available.

    • To preview the template, click the eye icon.

  • Select a Conflict Capture Resolution Template.
    This is the resolution form that the Resolution Manager will complete if a response triggers a potential conflict. Only active templates will be available.

    • To preview the template, click the eye icon.

  • OPTIONAL: Select a Conflict Capture General Information Template.
    This form can be added to show additional information in the workflow. Only active templates will be available.

    • Upon selecting a General Information Template, the form will appear below the dropdown. Complete the form.
      The form fields will be read-only in the workflow.

  • Click Save.

How to add participants to a campaign

The campaign will auto populate with any users who are assigned to the selected category. You may review the users listed in each tab (Respondents, Moderators, Resolution Managers) and adjust as needed.

A Moderator may be assigned to individual Respondents or an entire campaign.

  • Assigning a Moderator to a Respondent give them read-only access to that Respondent’s statement.

  • Assigning a Moderator to a campaign gives them access to every statement in the campaign.

  • Click Add Participant.

  • Select a Participant.
    The dropdown contains all active users assigned to the current organization.

  • Select the Role for that participant.
    The Conflict Capture Category assigned to a user always syncs with scheduled campaigns.
    Adding a participant to a campaign automatically adds the role and Conflict Capture Category to the user record.

  • OPTIONAL: If adding a Respondent, you can add an Assigned Moderator for that Respondent.
    The Moderator will be able to see the Respondent’s statement.
    Adding a Moderator to the campaign (by clicking Add Participant and then selecting Moderator as the role) will give them the ability to see all statements for the campaign.

  • Click Add.

  • Click Save.

How to edit the assigned Moderators for a Respondent

You cannot edit the Moderator in an active, completed, or cancelled campaign.

  • Open the campaign.

  • Under Participant Information, click the edit (pencil) icon in the row of the participant.

  • Select one or more Assigned Moderators.

  • Click Save.

How to remove a campaign participant

You cannot remove a Respondent from an active, completed, or cancelled campaign.

You cannot remove any participant from a completed or cancelled campaign.

Removing a participant from a campaign automatically removes the Conflict Capture Category from the user record.

  • Open the campaign.

  • Under Participant Information, click the delete (trash can) icon in the row of the participant.

This action cannot be undone. If you remove a participant in error, you will need to add them again.

How to test a campaign

You can send a test version of the campaign to a few users so that they can review the statements and verify everything is correct before sending statements to all the Respondents. The test workflow is only sent to the selected user(s). Test mode is available until the Send on Date.

  • In the Campaigns table, click Test in the row of the campaign.

  • Below the table, select one or more Participants to receive a test statement.

  • Click Begin Test.

How to schedule a campaign

  • In the Campaigns table, click Schedule in the row of the campaign.

  • Below the table, enter the Duration (number of days the campaign lasts).
    This must be an integer between 7 and 365.

  • Enter or select the Send on Date.
    The date must be on or after the current date. Workflows are generated when the Send on Date is met.

  • Click Save.

Editing a campaign

If the campaign status is scheduled, i.e., the start date has not been met, then you can make the following changes:

  • Update the Campaign Name, Duration, or Send on Date.

  • Change the selected Conflict Capture Statement template.

  • Change the selected Conflict Capture Resolution template.

  • Change the selected Conflict Capture General Information template.

  • Add or remove participants.

  • Send a test workflow to one or more of the recipients. 

If the campaign status is active, i.e., it has started but not completed, then you can make the following changes:

  • Add or remove participants (Respondents cannot be removed from an active campaign.)

If the campaign status is completed or cancelled, then no changes can be made.

Once you save the Conflict Capture Category, you cannot change it. This is because it clears the form, essentially requiring you to create a new campaign. If the Conflict Capture Category is incorrect, then delete or cancel the campaign and create a new one.

How to cancel a campaign

You cannot cancel a completed campaign.

  • In the Campaigns table, click Cancel in the row of the campaign.

  • Enter the reason for cancelling the campaign.

This action cannot be undone. All workflows associated with the campaign will be cancelled.

  • Click Yes, cancel campaign.

All campaign participants are automatically notified of the cancellation via email and in-app (bell) notification.

How to cancel a workflow

  • In the Workflows table, open the workflow.

  • Click the ellipsis (), then click Cancel Workflow.

  • Enter the reason for cancelling the workflow.

This action cannot be undone.

  • Click Yes, cancel workflow.

All workflow participants are automatically notified of the cancellation via email and in-app (bell) notification.

Campaign completion

When a campaign end date is met:

  • The campaign is complete. No further action can be taken on the campaign or associated workflows, nor can any participants be added or removed from the campaign.

  • The Resolution Managers and Moderators for the campaign are recorded.

When the campaign end date is met or the campaign is cancelled:

  • The campaign is complete. No further action can be taken on the campaign.

  • Participants cannot be added or removed from the campaign on the campaign detail page. 

    • Note that adding or removing roles or Conflict Capture Categories on the user record does not impact the campaigns. 

  • The Resolution Managers and Moderators for the campaign are recorded.

  • The Campaign Coordinator or Admin can view the list of participants on the campaign detail page. 

If an Admin removes the Conflict Capture Category from a user record, then that category will be removed from display on the campaign participant list. The user will remain on the participant list in the campaign, and the Category column will reflect the categories currently assigned to that user. 

When the campaign end date is met and there are workflows that require a resolution form, the following users will receive an automated email notification:

  • Moderator
    If the Moderator is only assigned to a Respondent, they’ll only receive the email if the assigned Respondent assigned requires a resolution form. 

  • Campaign Coordinator

  • Resolution Manager

If the role or category is removed, then the user can still view any workflow in which they were a participant: 

  • A Respondent can view assigned workflows.

  • A Moderator can view all workflows if assigned to that campaign when the end date was met. 

  • A Moderator assigned to a single Respondent can view all workflows for that Respondent if assigned when the campaign end date was met. 

  • A Resolution Manager can only view the workflows if assigned when the campaign end date was met. If the Resolution Manager was removed while the campaign was active, they will be unable to see the workflows for that campaign.

Resolution forms can be added to completed campaigns.

Additional considerations for participant management

Managing Participants on Active Campaigns

As a best practice for managing participants on a campaign, we recommend managing the participants on the campaign management page.


  • The Admin or Campaign Coordinator can add a Respondent to an active campaign.

  • A Respondent cannot be removed from an active campaign.

Campaign Moderators and Resolution Managers

  • The Admin or Campaign Coordinator can add or remove a Campaign Moderator or Resolution Manager on a campaign.

  • Once they’ve been added to a campaign, the Campaign Moderator or Resolution Manager will have access to all historical workflows for the Conflict Capture Category.

  • If there is only one Resolution Manager on a campaign, then they cannot be removed.

Changing the Conflict Capture Category on the User Record

  • If a Conflict Capture Category has an active campaign, then it can neither be added nor removed on a Campaign Moderator, Resolution Manager or Respondent user record.

Adding participants

Adding a Respondent to an active campaign

The Campaign Coordinator or Admin can add a Respondent to an active campaign. They can then add a Campaign Moderator to the Respondent.

Adding a Respondent to a campaign will:

  • Add the Conflict Capture Category and Respondent role to the user record.

  • Add the Conflict Capture Category and Moderator role to the user record (if applicable).

  • Generate the workflow for the Respondent.

  • Send the Initial Email notification to the Respondent.

Adding Campaign Moderators to active campaigns

The Campaign Coordinator or Admin can add a Campaign Moderator to an active campaign.

Adding a Campaign Moderator to a campaign will:

  • Add the Conflict Capture Category and Campaign Moderator role to the user record.

  • Add the Campaign Moderator to the campaign or to the assigned Respondent(s).

  • Give the Campaign Moderator access to all workflows for the Conflict Capture Category, including those in completed campaigns.

Adding Resolution Managers to active campaigns

The Campaign Coordinator or Admin can add a Resolution Manager to an active campaign.

  • This will add the Conflict Capture Category and Resolution Manager role to the user record.

  • The Resolution Manager will be notified via automatic email that they have been added to the campaign.

  • The Resolution Manager will have access to all workflows for the Conflict Capture Category, including those in completed campaigns.

Adding a Resolution Manager or Campaign Moderator to a campaign by adding the Conflict Capture Category to the user record

The Admin can only add a Conflict Capture Category to a Respondent’s user record if the campaign is in Pending or Scheduled status. However, a Respondent can be added to an active campaign on the campaign management page.

Within a single session, the Admin can choose to suppress the alert shown when changing a user record in a way that updates a campaign.

  • The message on the alert is Hide this message until your next session.

  • This is a single-session, fixed suppression. 

Removing Participants

Removing a Moderator from an active campaign

The Campaign Coordinator or Admin can remove a Moderator from an active campaign.

  • This applies Moderators assigned to an entire campaign as well as those assigned to individual Respondents within the campaign.

  • If the Moderator has no other role on the campaign, removing them from the campaign will:

    • Remove the Moderator from the campaign.

    • Remove the Moderator’s access to the workflows associated with the campaign.

    • Remove associated workflows from the Moderator’s worklist.

    • Remove the Conflict Capture Category from the user record.

    • Trigger an automatic email notifying the Moderator they’ve been removed. 

  • If the Moderator attempts to access a workflow to which they were previously assigned, they’ll see a message stating that they do not have access to that workflow.

Removing a Resolution Manager from an active campaign

The Campaign Coordinator or Admin can remove a Resolution Manager from an active campaign, so long as the campaign will have at least one remaining Resolution Manager.

Removing them from the campaign will:

  • Remove the Resolution Manager from the workflows.

  • Remove the Conflict Capture Category from the user record.

  • Remove associated workflows from the Resolution Manager’s worklist.

  • Trigger an automatic email notifying the Moderator they’ve been removed. 

Respondents cannot be removed from active campaigns

If the Respondent needs to be removed, the Campaign Coordinator or Admin can cancel the individual workflow. Once the workflow has been cancelled, the Admin can remove the Conflict Capture Category from the user record if needed.

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