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External Link Management

Why use external links?

Providing external links within the app makes it easy for users to navigate to frequently accessed sites while ensuring that they are always accessing the correct sites.

Who can do this?

Only Admins can manage external links.

Additional Considerations

  • External links are visible to all users.

  • In tenants with multiple organizations, external links will be visible in all organizations.

  • If there are no external links in the External Links table, then External Links will be hidden in the menu bar.

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the External Links tab, click Add New Link.

  • In the Add Link modal, enter the link information.

  • Users will see the Link Display Name in the External Links dropdown.

  • The Link Address is the link’s URL.

  • The Description appears in the External Links table, and only Admins will see it.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without adding the external link, click Cancel or ✖.

The order of the links in the table determines their order in the External Links dropdown.

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the External Links tab, drag and drop links by the drag icon to change the order.

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the External Links tab, click the pencil icon to the right of the external link.

  • In the Edit Link modal, edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

Your edits will be reflected in the record, and the Last Updated and Last Updated By Fields will be updated.

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the External Links tab, click the blue trash can to the right of the link.

  • In the confirmation modal, click Delete External Link
    To close the modal without deleting the external link, click Cancel or ✖.

The link will be removed from the External Links table in Organization Management as well as the External Links dropdown in the menu bar.

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