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Who can do this?

  • Admins

  • Phase Owners & Mediators

  • Reviewers & Approvers

  • Workflow & Contract Moderators

  • Signatories

  • Editors

Why do this?

Saving a report allows you to run an updated version of that report on demand without having to manually reapply the filter and column configurations.

Scheduling a report allows you to share a report via email on a one-off or recurring basis.

How to Build a Report

  • Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Reporting.

  • Select a tab:
    Workflows | Contracts | Vendors | Providers | Users | Timesheets* | Timesheet Configs* | Pulse Check** | Attachments | Critical Dates | Conflict Capture***

    • *Timesheets and Timesheet Configs tabs are only available for TERMS customers.

    • **Pulse Check tab is only available to Vendor Pulse Check customers.

    • ***Conflict Capture tab is only available to Conflict Capture customers.

  • Use widgets to customize your report.

Filter Table

Make your selections in the available filters, then click Apply.

Some filter attributes allow for the selection of multiple values.

Manage Columns

Check the columns you want to see. Uncheck the columns you don’t want to see. Click Apply.

Additional Columns

In the dropdown, select one or more additional column(s) to add to the report. Click Add.

This widget is unavailable on the Vendors, Providers, and Users tabs.

  • To sort results by a column or reverse the sort order, click the caret in a column header.

  • To view the results with your selections, click Apply.
    To save the report, click the floppy disk, enter a name for the report, then click Create.

The name of the saved report cannot be changed.

How to Schedule a Report

  • In Saved Reports, click on Schedule next to the report name.

  • Complete the fields.


This will be the subject that displays in the email.

File Type

In the dropdown, select Excel or CSV.


Select the delivery date from the calendar. For recurring reports, this will be the initial delivery date.

Optional: Repeat

The default setting is No Recurrence. If you would like a recurring report, select how often you would like the report to occur.

Upon selecting the repeat setting, a field for selecting the end date will appear. The default for this field is Never. If applicable, select an end date.


Select one or more recipients.

  • Upon scheduling the report, the report recipients will receive an automated email notification alerting them that they have been added to the list of report recipients.

  • Scheduled reports run every late night/early morning at approximately 4:00 to 5:00 am EST.

Email recipients will see all the report contents regardless of their user permissions.

How to Edit a Scheduled Report

  • In Saved Reports, click on the scheduled report you’d like to edit.

  • In the Edit Scheduled Report modal, edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Delete a Scheduled Report

  • In Saved Reports, hover over the name of the report you would like to delete.

  • Click the red trash can. A delete confirmation modal will appear.

  • Click Delete
    To cancel the process, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Delete a Saved Report (Filter)

  • Click Filter Table.

  • Clicked Saved Filters.

  • Hover over the name of the filter you would like to delete. (Clicking on the saved filter closes the widget and apply that filter to the table.)

  • Click the red trash can next to the filter.

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