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Archiving a Contract

Who can do this?

  • Only an Editor or an Admin/Super Admin can archive the contract.

  • Users with sufficient permissions will be able to make the following changes to contracts that are expired, terminated, or archived:

When can you do this?

A contract can only be archived if it has expired or been terminated and if it has no pending workflows.

Contract statuses are updated nightly. If a contract status changed though a manual action, such as activating a workflow to terminate, then the status won’t change until the nightly jobs run. For example, if you activate a terminate workflow on a contract today, then you won’t be able to archive that contract until tomorrow.

How to Archive a Contract

  • Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Contracts.

  • Switch the Include Inactive Contracts toggle to ON.

  • Click the contract you’d like to archive.

  • On the contract summary page, click Archive Contract.

  • In the Confirm Archive modal, click Confirm Archive.
    To close the modal without archiving the contract, click Cancel or ✖.

Archiving a contract cannot be undone.

Contract Status Badges

Archived isn’t a status in the sense that terminated and expired are. It’s an additional attribute.

  • Contracts fall into one of three statuses: active | expired | terminated

  • To more easily differentiate among active, expired, terminated, and archived contracts, contract status badges are displayed at the top right of the contract summary page.

    • If a contract has been terminated, then the Terminated badge will replace the Expired XX Days Ago and Expires in XX Days badges on the contract summary page.

    • If an expired contract has been archived, then the Expired and Archived badges will both appear on the contract summary page.

    • If a terminated contract has been archived, then the Terminated and Archived badges will both appear on the contract summary page.

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