Add & Edit Contract Description
Why do this?
Contract descriptions allow users to differentiate among workflows in the worklist and contracts in the contract library, which is especially helpful if your organization has several workflows and contracts.
Who can do this?
Current Phase Owner
Current Phase Mediator
In-turn Reviewers
In-turn Approvers
When can you do this?
The contract description can be added, edited, or removed at any point after the Initiation Phase, including after the contract has been activated.
Where can you do this?
The contract description can be added, edited, or deleted in the contract header on the contract summary page or in the workflow header of an active workflow.
Contract descriptions added during an active workflow appear in the workflow header during the workflow, then in the contract header on the contract summary page. Contract descriptions added on an activated contract appear in the contract header on the contract summary page.
The contract description appears in the Contract Description column in:
Contract Library (the column displays by default)
Reporting > Contracts (the column displays by default)
The contract description appears in the Description column in:
Worklist (the column displays by default)
Reporting > Workflows (the column can be added via the Manage Columns widget)
How to Add or Edit the Contract Description Field
In the workflow header or contract header, click the (+) to the right of the field.
In the Edit Description modal, edit as needed.
When finished, click Add
To close without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.
The field has a 280-character maximum.