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Critical Dates

Why do this?

Adding a critical date allows you to schedule email reminders for upcoming dates. You can manage the email subject, the initial date, recurrences (if applicable), and email recipients.

Who can do this?

  • Admins, Editors, and Contract Moderators can see critical dates on the contract summary page.

  • Admins and Editors can add, edit, and complete critical dates.

Where can you do this?

Critical dates can be viewed and managed under the Critical Dates tab on the contract summary page.

How to Add a Critical Date

  • Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Contracts.

  • Click the contract where you’d like to add the critical date.

  • In the contract file, click on the critical dates tab.

  • Click Add Critical Date.

  • In the Add Critical Date modal, complete the form.

  • If you’d like, add one or more alerts for the date:

    • Click Add Alert.

    • Select the date settings.

    • Under Alert Recipients, select the users you want to receive the alert.

  • Responsible parties are selected by default, but critical date alerts can be sent to any system user.

  • You can deselect responsible parties so they will not receive notifications for this critical date.

  • The recipients will receive an automated email notification as the critical date approaches and if the critical date passes.

  • Notifications are not sent for contracts that have been archived or terminated.

  • When finished, click Add Critical Date.
    To close the modal without adding the critical date, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Edit a Critical Date

  • Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Contracts.

  • Click the contract with the critical date you’d like to edit.

  • Hover over the critical date, then hover over the ellipses (…) on the right.

  • Select Edit.

  • In the Edit Critical Date modal, edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

The bell icon indicates that one or more alerts have been set for the date. The cycle icon indicates a repeating critical date.

How to Complete a Critical Date

  • Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Contracts.

  • Click the contract with the critical date you’d like to complete.

  • Hover over the critical date, then hover over the ellipses (…) on the right.

  • Select Complete.

  • Complete the Comment on Completed Critical Date field.

  • When finished, click Complete.
    To close the modal without completing the critical date, click Cancel or ✖.

Completing a repeating critical date will prevent it from automatically creating the next critical date in the series. Either leave the critical date incomplete or, if you complete it, create a new repeating critical date upon completing the current critical date in the series.

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