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Permission Overrides

Why do this?

Permission overrides fulfill the need of providing or denying access to a single contract for individual users. Here are some use cases:

  • Hiding highly sensitive compensation information

  • Granting a Requestor access to a contract they requested

  • Allowing a user to access a single contract of a given location and/or Contract Type without giving that user access to other similar contracts

An Admin for your organization can ask their symplr Contract representative to toggle OFF the Permission Overrides tab in the Contract Library, so the tab will not be visible in the UI.

Who can do this?

  • Only Admins can control permission overrides.

  • Permission overrides cannot be applied to Admins.

  • Within a multi-organizational tenant, permission overrides can be applied to a user who has no permissions for the organization where the contract resides.

    • The Admin applying overrides will only be able to see and select users in organizations where they have Admin privileges.

    • This will facilitate giving a Requestor access to a contract they requested.

If a user has been granted the role of Editor via permission overrides, then that user will be able to initiate a workflow from the applicable contract summary page, assuming all alter requirements for initiating a workflow on that contract are met.

Where can you do this?

  • You can access permission overrides via the Permission Overrides panel on the contract summary page.

  • Under Explore > Contracts > Reporting, several columns and filters allow for reporting on permission overrides. The columns are available in the Manage Columns widget. They do not appear by default.

    • Permissions Overridden? can be filtered for true/false.

    • Access Exclusions can be filtered for Username (as opposed to First Name, Last Name), with the Any/All toggle.

    • Access Inclusions can be filtered for Username, with the Any/All toggle.

How are Permission Overrides Applied to a Contract?

Permission overrides can be applied to a specific contract in three ways:

  • Access Inclusion will grant an individual user access, at a Contract Moderator or Editor level, to a contract that their permissions would normally prevent them from seeing.

  • Access Exclusion will prevent one or more users from accessing a contract that their permissions would normally allow them to view or edit.

  • Set to Private will restrict access to all but the following:

    • Admins and Responsible Parties

    • Users given a Contract Moderator or Editor role via Permission Overrides

    • Other Party Contacts who are also External Party users.

Permission overrides will facilitate access to and restriction from individual contract files. They will not apply to workflows or timesheets.

How to Set the Contract to Private

  • Switch ON the Private toggle.
    Only these users will see the contract:

    • Admins

    • Responsible Parties

    • The Other Party Contact if they are also an External Party user

    • Any user given Editor or Contract Moderator access to the contract via permission overrides

  • To revert to standard contract permissions, switch OFF the private toggle.
    These users will see the contract:

    • Admins

    • Responsible Parties

    • The Other Party Contact if they are also an External Party user

    • Any user given Editor or Contract Moderator access to the contract via permission overrides

    • Any user with Editor or Contract Moderator permissions matching the Contract Type and locations.

How to Grant a User Access to the Contract

  • Click (+) Add user override.

  • In the override permissions modal, select a user.

  • Select a role to grant the user:

    • Editor

    • Moderator

  • To apply permission overrides for another user, click (+) Add Permission Override.

  • When finished, click Add. The users and their permission overrides will be listed in the Permission Overrides panel.
    To close the modal without granting access, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Exclude a User from Access to the Contract

  • Click Exclude standard user.

  • In the exclude standard users modal, select one or more users.

  • When finished, click Add.


  • Click (+) Add user override.

  • In the override permissions modal, select a user.

  • Select No access.

  • To apply permission overrides for another user, click (+) Add Permission Override.

  • When finished, click Add. The users and their permission overrides will be listed in the Permission Overrides panel.
    To close the modal without excluding the user, click Cancel or ✖.

If permission overrides prevent a user from accessing a contract, the contract will be hidden from that user in all applicable lists:

  • Search results

  • Reporting > Contracts

  • Initiation screen

    • Linked to Contract

    • Contract Number (when initiating on an existing contract)

  • Contract Library

  • Vendors > Associated Contracts

  • Providers > Associated Contracts

How to Remove a User’s Permission Overrides

In the Permission Overrides panel, click the red trash can for the user.

There is no delete confirmation and this action cannot be undone. If you accidentally delete a user’s permission overrides, simply add them again.

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