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Conflict Capture Administration

Who can do this?

Only Admins and Super Admins can manage the items on this page.

Conflict Capture Custom Fields

In keeping with current custom field functionality, any edits to Conflict Capture custom fields are applied to all instances of the field on all workflows, contracts, and form templates. 

To add a conflict capture custom field:

  • Navigate to Admin > Organization Management > Custom Fields.

  • Click Add New Field.

  • Select Conflict Capture as the Field Type.

  • Enter a unique Field Name.

  • OPTIONAL: Enter a tooltip.

  • Select the Data Type (usually Text).

Use caution, as the data type cannot be changed once the field has been saved.

  • Select the Input Type (usually Dropdown).

  • OPTIONAL: Switch the toggle to Active.

  • Click Save.

By default, the status is inactive. Only active custom fields can be added to a form template.

For more about custom fields, see Custom Field Management.

To edit a conflict capture custom field:

  • Navigate to Admin > Organization Management > Custom Fields.

  • Click on the field to open the edit modal.

  • Edit as needed.

  • Click Save.

Conflict Capture Form Templates

By customizing Conflict Capture form templates, customers can collect all the information required to ensure any potential conflicts are identified and resolutions to mitigate the potential conflicts can be documented. The information collected on the forms will vary by the type of position the Respondent holds in the organization and the policies and procedures for managing potential conflicts.

Editing a Conflict Capture Form Template

If a conflict capture form template is edited, the latest version of the form template is added to the campaign when the start date is met and the workflows are generated. Changes are not applied to active workflows.

To add a conflict capture form template:

  • Navigate to Admin > Organization Management > Form Templates.

  • Within General Information, enter a unique Form Template Name.

  • OPTIONAL: Enter any General Instructions.

  • Select the Form Type.

    • Conflict Capture Statement is the statement a Respondent will complete.

    • Conflict Capture General Info is an optional form the Admin or Campaign Manager will complete during campaign setup. It will be read-only in the campaign workflows.

    • Conflict Capture Resolution Form is the form a Resolution Manager will complete to address a potential conflict.

Once the form template has been saved, the Form Type cannot be changed.

  • Select at least one Conflict Capture Category.

  • OPTIONAL: If creating a Conflict Capture Statement form template, enter the Certification Text.

  • Click Save.

  • Within Sections, add a new or existing Section.

Because the General Info form can include any info, the Admin can select any custom field to include on the form (except for attachment field types). Triggers are unsupported on the general Info form.

The Statement form only supports Conflict Capture custom fields and Trigger Conflict, Display Field, and Display Static Text trigger types. The Trigger Conflict trigger type prompts the addition of a Resolution Phase if a potential conflict is identified.

The Resolution form only supports Display Field and Display Static Text trigger types.

  • Click Save.

  • Within Triggers, add or edit triggers as needed.

    • For a Statement form template, select the Trigger Conflict trigger to identify the response or value entered in a field that will indicate a potential conflict. 

  • Click Save.

  • OPTIONAL: Switch the toggle to Active.

  • When finished, click Save.

By default, the status is inactive. Only active form templates can be applied to a campaign.

To edit a form template:

  • Go to Admin > Organization Management > Form Templates.

  • Click on a row in the table to open the edit page.

  • Edit the form template as needed.

  • Toggle the status to Active/Inactive as needed.

  • Click Save.

For more about form templates, see Form Template Management.

Conflict Capture Categories

Users and forms are assigned one or more Conflict Capture Categories. When the Admin or Initiator creates a campaign, it will auto populate with the users and forms based on the selected Conflict Capture Category.

Conflict Capture Categories appear in dropdowns in the following places:

  • Form template builder (if the selected Form Type is a Conflict Capture form)

  • Explore > Users > Manage user modal > Conflict Capture

  • Explore > Conflict Capture > Campaigns > Setup New Campaign

To add a Conflict Capture Category:

  • Go to Explore > Conflict Capture > Manage Categories.

  • Click Add Category.

  • Enter the Category Name.

  • OPTIONAL: Switch the toggle to Active.

  • When finished, click Save.

By default, the status is inactive. Only active categories can be applied to a user profile or a campaign.

To edit Conflict Capture Category

  • Go to Explore > Conflict Capture > Manage Categories.

  • Click on a row in the table to open the edit modal.

  • Edit the Conflict Capture Category as needed.

  • Toggle the status to Active/Inactive as needed.

  • Click Save.

Changing the status to Inactive removes the Conflict Capture Category from the Conflict Capture Category dropdowns. It does not remove the Conflict Capture Category from user records. 

Conflict Capture User Management

For convenience, conflict capture roles and categories can be added to any user within your tenant’s conflict capture organization during campaign setup. They can also be added to individual user profiles.

To add Conflict Capture to a user profile:

  • Navigate to Explore > Users.

  • Click on the row of a user.

  • In the Conflict Capture tab of the manage user modal, select at least one Role.

  • Select at least one Category.

  • When finished, click Save.

The system will automatically add users to a pending, scheduled, or active campaign if the conflict capture category assigned to the campaign and the user records match.

You can assign multiple roles to a user and multiple conflict capture categories to a role. Here are some examples:

  • A user can be a Respondent on one campaign and Moderator in a different campaign. The user would have the role Respondent with the associated conflict capture categories and the Moderator role with different associated conflict capture categories.

  • A user can be the Resolution Manager on multiple campaigns. The user would have the Resolution Manager role with multiple conflict capture categories assigned to that role.

  • A user can be the Respondent and a Moderator on the same campaign. The user would have the Respondent and Moderator roles with the same conflict capture category assigned.

If the Admin removes the conflict capture category from the user record, the user will no longer have access to active workflows. This doesn’t apply to completed workflows. The user will always have access to any completed workflow they participated in.

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