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Custom Field Management

Why do this?

Custom fields allow Admins to create fields that fit the needs of their organization.

Who can do this?

  • Only Admins can manage custom fields.

  • Admins select which custom fields are added to form templates, which can subsequently be added to a workflow.

  • An Admin, Phase Owner, Phase Mediator, in-turn Reviewer, in-turn Approver, and Requestor can populate custom fields during the workflow.

  • In-turn workflow participants can see custom fields and custom field values.

When and where can you do this?

  • Custom fields can be created, managed, and viewed on Admin > Organization Management > Custom Fields.

  • Custom fields are added to a form templates, which then can be added to a workflow template’s Form Phase.

  • Custom fields are populated in a Form Phase within a workflow.

  • Custom field and field values are displayed in the Form Data panel in the workflow accordion for an active workflow as well as in the contract header for an activated contract.

  • Under Explore > Reporting > Contracts, custom fields are excluded by default. To add a custom field or field(s) to the table, check the field in the Manage Columns widget. If the field does not appear in the Manage Columns widget, check the field in the Additional Columns widget.

Additional Considerations

For cleaner data and better reporting, avoid creating custom fields to capture the same information that is captured in standard and system fields. You can see the list of standard and system fields here.

  • System fields are excluded from custom field management because they cannot be edited.

    • Custom field names cannot be edited or recaptioned.

    • Custom field properties cannot be changed.

    • Triggers cannot be based on custom fields.

  • If a user attempts to create a custom field with the same name as a system field, they’ll see the following message:
    This field already exists as a system field. Please enter a different name.

  • Users can manage tooltips in both the form template builder and custom field management. This will preserve existing tooltips as well as allow users to create default tooltips.

    • Users can apply form-specific tooltips to fields. Adding a tooltip to a field in the form template builder will make the tooltip specific to that form.

    • Adding a tooltip to a field in custom field management will apply it as the default tooltip for all instances of the field unless that field has a form-specific tooltip.

    • Tooltips added to a field in custom field management (i.e. default tooltips) will not override those added in the form template builder (i.e. form-specific tooltips).

  • Users can add hover text for URLs and attachments.

  • To increase readability of form field values, if the thousand separator (i.e. comma) is applied to the form field properties, then that formatting will be retained wherever that field value is displayed, such as in the workflow form data accordion, contract library summary page, and reporting pages.

Custom Fields Table

Custom fields are displayed in a standard table, with the Filter Table, Manage Columns, and Export widgets.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    Field | Data Type | Input Type | Status | Created Date | Created By

  • The following columns will be available using the Manage Columns widget:
    Last Modified | Last Modified By | Tooltip

By default, the table only displays active custom fields.

  • To see inactive custom fields as well, click the Include Inactive Fields toggle.

  • To hide inactive custom fields, click the toggle again.

Time Entry fields are excluded from the custom fields table.

The following fields, which are TERMS system fields, will not be displayed:
Time Entry: Activity | Time Entry: Date | Time Entry: Description | Time Entry: Quantity

Data Type and Input Type

Data Type

Input Types






Text-field, Radio Button, Dropdown, Picklist


Text-field, Radio Button, Dropdown, Picklist


Text-field, Text-area, Radio Button, Dropdown, Picklist

How to Create a Custom Field

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Custom Fields tab, click Add New Field.

  • Complete the form.

Select Field Type.

This field is required.

Enter a name for the custom field.
  • The custom field name must be unique.

  • This field is required.

If applicable, enter a tooltip.
  • The tooltip appears when a user hovers over the info icon next to the field name.

  • This field is optional.

Select Data Type.
  • This selection affects the Input Type field.

    • If you select Attachment or Date, the Input Type will auto-select Attachment or Date Picker, respectively.

    • If you select Decimal or Integer, the Input Type dropdown will populate and additional checkboxes will appear.

    • If you select Text, the Input Type dropdown will populate.

  • This is a required field.

Select Input Type.
  • The selection from the Data Type dropdown affects this field.

  • If applicable, select the Input Type from the dropdown.

  • If applicable, check an option or options from the checkboxes.

  • This is a required field.

If applicable, add an option.
  • This field only applies to Data Type of Decimal, Integer, or Text.

  • This field appears upon selecting the Input Type.

  • At least one option must be added.

  • To add an option, enter the desired text in the Add Option field, then click the blue plus.

    • To remove an option, click the trash can.

    • To reorder an option, click the drag and drop icon and drag it to where you want it.

  • By default, the status is inactive. Only active custom fields can added to form templates.

  • To change the status to active, switch the toggle ON.

  • You cannot toggle the status to Active until all required fields have been populated.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without creating the custom field, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Edit a Custom Field

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Custom Fields tab, click the custom field you’d like to edit.

  • In the Custom Field modal, edit as needed.

  • The Data Type cannot be edited.

  • If the Data Type is Attachment, Date, or Picklist, then you cannot edit the Input Type.

  • If the Input Type is Dropdown, then you can change it to Picklist or Radio Button. Options will be retained.

  • If the Input Type is Radio Button, then you can change it to Dropdown or Picklist. Options will be retained.

  • If the Input Type is Text Area, then you can change it to Text Field.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

  • When you edit a custom field, the changes will affect all instances of that custom field.

  • Editing the field may affect triggers associated with the field.

How to Deactivate a Custom Field

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Custom Fields tab, click the custom field you’d like to deactivate.

  • In the Custom Field modal, click the Active toggle.
    To close the modal without deactivating the custom field, click Cancel or ✖.

Deactivating the field will not remove it from any form templates. Changes to form templates must be made manually.

  • Deactivating the field will affect all workflow templates, forms in active workflows, and contracts associated with the field.

  • Deactivating the field may affect triggers associated with the field.

How to Delete a Custom Field

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Custom Fields tab, click the custom field you’d like to delete.

  • In the Custom Field modal, click Delete.
    To close the modal without deleting the custom field, click Cancel or ✖.

Custom fields that exist on an active workflow or contract in the Contract Library cannot be deleted. Attempting to do so will return an error. However, you can toggle its status to Inactive.

Change History

How to Access Change History

  • Navigate to Admin > Organization Management > Custom Fields.

  • Click on the field.

  • In the custom field modal, click View Change History.

How to Hide the Change History

Click Hide Change History.


  • Changes to the following attributes are captured in the change history:
    Field Name | Tooltip | Number Formatting | Input Type | Multi-select Options

  • The following information is displayed for each of the changes listed above:

    • First and last name of user who edited the field

    • Date the user edited the field

    • Change that was made:

    • Field Name changed from <name 1> to <name 2>.

    • Number Formatting added < or removed> <formatting options>.

    • Input Type changed from <data type 1> to <data type 2>.

    • Multi-select Options added < or removed or modified> <options>.

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