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Form Template Management

Why do this?

The form template determines what information is collected during the Form Phase, and in some cases, the Activation Phase, during workflows.

Who can do this?

Only Admins can see and manage form templates.

Additional Considerations

Unlike workflow templates, form template are not tied to contract types or locations. In tenants with multiple organizations, all form templates are present in all organizations.

Be as efficient as possible when building forms:

  • Follow this form naming convention: [Workflow Name] + [Action Type]

  • Whenever possible, build form sections that can be reused in other forms.

    • Specific questions should be housed in different sections (or even forms) than general questions. Build as few of those specific forms and sections as is practical.

  • Avoid redundant questions and triggers.

    • Make sure you consolidate similar fields, e.g. will this auto renew? and auto renewal expected?

How to Access Form Templates

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Click the Form Templates tab.

The Form Templates Table

Form templates appear in a standard table. You can filter the table, manage the columns, and export the table.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    Name | Status | Form Type | Created Date | Created By

  • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
    Last Modified By | Last Modified Date

By default, the table only displays active form templates.

  • To see inactive templates as well, click the Include Inactive Form Templates toggle.

    • To hide inactive templates, click the toggle again.

How to Add a Form Template

  • Go to Admin > Organization Management > Form Templates.

  • Under the Form Templates tab, click Add New Form Template.

Enter a unique form template name.

The name must be unique.

  • To add a URL:

    • Click (+) Add URL.

    • In the Add URL modal, enter a name for the URL.

    • Enter the text that will display for the URL.

    • When finished, click Save.
      To close the modal without adding the URL, click Cancel or ✖.

  • To edit a URL, click on its pencil icon.

  • To delete a URL, click on its trash can icon. There is no confirmation for this action.

  • To change the order in which the URLs are displayed, drag them by the drag and drop icon then drop them where you want them.

URLs will be listed in the workflow.

OPTIONAL: Add an attachment.
  • To add an attachment:

    • Click (+) Add Attachment.

    • Select an attachment to upload.

    • In the Add Attachment, enter a name for the attachment.

    • Enter a description.

    • When finished, click Save.
      To close the modal without adding the attachment, click Cancel or ✖.

  • To edit an attachment, click on its pencil icon.

  • To delete an attachment, click on its trash can icon. There is no confirmation for this action.

  • To change the order in which the URLs are displayed, drag them by the drag and drop icon then drop them where you want them.

Attachments will be listed in the workflow.

OPTIONAL: Enter instructions.

Workflow participants who are completing the form in a Form Phase will see these instructions.

Select the Form Type.

Default is the type used for any form except a Timesheet Form.

If you are creating a timesheet form, select Timesheet.

Add form sections.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Form Sections

  • To add a form section:

    • If you haven’t done so already, save the form template. The (+) Add Section is unavailable until the form template has been saved.

    • Click (+) Add Section.

    • From the dropdown, select either Add New Section or Add Existing Section.

    • If you select Add New section:

      • Enter a unique section name.

      • OPTIONAL: Add reference docs.

      • OPTIONAL: Enter instructions.

      • Drag fields from the right sidebar and drop them into the empty space.

        • You can manage properties and triggers by clicking Properties or Triggers respectively.

        • To remove a field from the form section, click its red trash can icon.

        • To reorder the fields, drag them by the drag and drop icon then drop them where you want them.

      • When finished, click Save.
        To close the modal without adding a new section, click Cancel or ✖.

    • If you select Add Existing Section:

      • In the Add Section modal, select a section from the dropdown.

      • When finished, click Add.
        To close the modal without adding a new section, click Cancel or ✖.

When an existing section is added to a form, that section will be autosaved to the form.

  • To edit a section, click its pencil icon. If you edit an existing section (as opposed to one you just created), upon saving, you'll be asked whether you want to apply the change to all form templates that use that section, or create a new section by copying.

  • To delete a section, click its trash icon. There is no confirmation for this action.

Managing Field Properties

  • To manage field properties:

    • In a form template section, click Properties under the field you'd like to manage. The Manage Field Properties modal will open.

    • Under Field Label, you can change the text that appears in a field before the user starts typing in it. Note that this does not affect the actual field name.

    • To make the field required, check the Required box.

    • To add a tooltip, check the Tooltip box, then enter the tooltip in the free text field that appears. This text will appear when the user hovers the cursor over the field.

    • To add a default value, check the Default value box, then enter the value in the text field that appears.

    • Add any reference docs, i.e. attachments or URLs.

    • When finished, click Save.
      To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

  • Text entered in the Help Text field will appear as static text beneath the field.

  • Because the default value attribute does not apply to attachments, the Default Value attribute will not appear in the Manage Field Properties modal if the field type is attachment.

For numeric fields only:

  • To display a dollar sign, check the Display dollar sign box.

  • To add a comma to values greater than or equal to one thousand, check the Thousands separator box. 

  • When finished, click Save.

Add triggers.
  • To add a form trigger:

    • In a form template section, click on Triggers under the field to which you'd like to add a trigger. The Manage Field Triggers modal will open.

    • Select the Operator (Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater than, etc.)

    • Enter the value to check, such as “BAA Required” <Equal to> “Yes”.

    • To add another condition, click + Add Condition, then select either AND or OR.

    • Select a trigger action.

      • Display Field: Select a field to display.

      • Display Static Text: Text will appear above the field.

      • Add Role to Phase: When this form template is added to a workflow template, the user will be required to set the Phase, Role, and User.

      • Notify Phase Owner: The Phase Owner will receive an email notification that the trigger condition has been met.

      • Block Phase: The phase will be blocked until an Admin intervenes.

      • Add Document Template to Phase: A document template, for which the Admin specified the Document Phase, document template, and Contract Types, will be added to the workflow.

    • When finished, Click Save.
      To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

If the field type is Attachment, the trigger link will be hidden for that field in the form template section.

  • If you’d like, you can preview the form template by clicking Form Template Preview.

Hidden (triggered) fields will not appear in the preview.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To save the form template and close the modal, click Save and Close.
    To close the modal without adding the form template, click Cancel or ✖.

  • By default, the status is inactive. Only active form templates can be applied to a workflow template.

  • To change the status to active, switch the toggle ON. This action is unavailable until the form template has been saved.

  • Once a form template has been added to a workflow template, you will be unable to change its status to inactive.

How to Edit a Form Template

  • Go to Admin > Organization Management > Form Templates.

  • Under the Form Templates tab, click the template you’d like to edit.

  • Edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Save and Close.
    To save and continue working, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Copy a Form Template

  • Go to Admin > Organization Management > Form Templates.

  • Under the Form Templates tab, click Copy Form Template.

  • In the Copy Form Template modal, select the Name of the form template you’d like to copy.

  • Enter the name of the copy of the form template.

  • When finished, click Copy.
    To close the modal without copying the form template, click Cancel or ✖.

Executive Summary Form Type

The Executive Summary form type allows Admins to select which system and custom fields appear on the executive summary and to control the order and orientation in which they appear.

Admins can:

  • Open the existing form builder function.

  • Select Executive Summary as the form type.

  • Provide a name for the form.

  • Save the form template and edit the form template, as they can with any other form template.

Properties and triggers are removed, i.e., hidden.

  • No properties are accessible.

  • No triggers can be set for the form.

  • Users can drag and drop any available field type to the form template.

  • All types of data fields can be used except:

    • Triggers

    • Properties

    • Attachments

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