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When and where can I use triggers?

Admins can add and edit triggers on a form template, which they can then add to a workflow template. When a user initiates a workflow and selects the workflow template, the triggers will be included in the workflow.

  • The Add Role to Phase Trigger and Add Document Template to Phase Trigger require additional set up on the workflow template.

    • Upon selecting Add Role to Phase or Add Document Template to Phase as the action type, you’ll see the following message: “The set-up for the trigger action is on the workflow template. When this Form Template is selected on a Workflow Template, you will be required to set the Phase, Role, and User.”

    • Additional set-up for every Add Role to Phase Trigger and Add Document Template to Phase Trigger is listed on the Edit Form Phase page on workflow templates. The Do not use this trigger on the form checkbox allows users to choose which triggers to include on the form.

  • The General Information form must be completed prior to adding sections in the Sections form, and a section must be added prior to editing a trigger.

Additional Considerations

  • Retracting a phase does not not remove the participants added by an Add Role to Phase trigger.

  • A hidden (triggered) field is a field that only appears when a trigger condition is met. For instance, if a user set up a Display Field Trigger on Field A so that Field B appears when the trigger condition is met, Field B is a hidden field.

    • On the form section from the Sections tab in the form template builder, hidden fields are denoted with a strike-through eye icon and the word Hidden.

    • Hidden fields are not be displayed in the form template preview.

  • A triggered field can be set as required.

    • The Required setting will be ignored on a hidden field if that hidden field is not triggered on a workflow.

    • The Required setting on a hidden field (i.e. triggered field that has not been triggered) will not prevent the completion of a Form Phase.

  • At the workflow template level, you’ll be able to:

    • Exclude triggers from the form, which will prevent them from appearing in workflows based on that workflow template.

    • Select the user or user groups that are triggered into a workflow.

Participants added via trigger will be sequenced after any default participants in the phase where they are triggered. The sequence will match the field order in which the participants are triggered on the form. The order of the participants will match the triggering field order left to right and then down to the next row and then to the next section.

  • When multiple triggers are set up to insert the same Reviewer/Approver/Signatory into a single phase, that user is added to the phase only once. The system takes into account that the user has already been added as a participant.

  • By default, new form templates are inactive. Only active form templates can be added to a workflow template.

Trigger Reporting

Some actions caused by triggers are recorded on the executive summary cover page and in the workflow history:

  • Blocking a phase

  • Unblocking a phase

  • Review and approval caused by a trigger

Trigger Actions

Display Field

About the Display Field Trigger

When the trigger condition is met, the selected field will appear in the form.

  • The field being triggered is a hidden field.

  • If the triggering condition of a field is removed, then the triggered field will be hidden on the form.

    • If the condition for Field A is met, then Field B will display, and if the condition for Field B is met, then field C will display.

    • If the condition for Field A is removed, then the values from both Field B and Field C will be cleared and the fields themselves will be hidden.

How to Manage a Display Field Trigger

  • From the Sections tab, click Triggers to open the Manage Field Triggers modal
    From the Triggers tab, click the pencil icon next to the trigger you want to edit.

  • Select the field from the Field dropdown.

  • Select a condition from the Condition dropdown.

  • Enter the condition value.

  • Select Display Field from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • Select a field from the Triggered Field dropdown. Note that this field only appears when Display Field is selected from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • Click Save.

  • The Triggered Field dropdown is populated with fields in the section. If there are no other fields in the section, the dropdown will be empty, and the Display Field Trigger cannot be added. The triggered field must be added to the from before it can be selected.

  • On the Sections tab, a strike-through eye icon and Hidden appears on the triggered field. This denotes that in the Form Phase, the field is hidden from the user unless triggered.

Display Static Text

About the Display Static Text Trigger

When the trigger condition is met, static text written by the Admin on the form template will appear above the field on the form during the workflow.

  • The static text will appear as long as the trigger condition is met.

  • If the field is updated so that the trigger condition is no longer met, then the static text will no longer appear.

How to Manage a Display Static Text Trigger

  • From the Sections tab, click Triggers to open the Manage Field Triggers modal
    From the Triggers tab, click the pencil icon next to the trigger you want to edit.

  • Select the field from the Field dropdown.

  • Select a condition from the Condition dropdown.

  • Enter the condition value.

  • Select Display Static Text from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • In the Static Text field, enter the text you want displayed. Note that this field only appears when Display Static Text is selected from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • Click Save.

Add Role to Phase

About the Add Role to Phase Trigger

When the trigger condition is met, the user who the Admin selected during trigger setup will be inserted into the workflow.

How to Manage a Add Role to Phase Trigger

  • From the Sections tab, click Triggers to open the Manage Field Triggers modal
    From the Triggers tab, click the pencil icon next to the trigger you want to edit.

  • Select the field from the Field dropdown.

  • Select a condition from the Condition dropdown.

  • Enter the condition value.

  • Select Add Role to Phase from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • Click Save.

The Add Role to Phase Trigger requires additional set up on the workflow template.

  • On the Edit Form Phase page on the workflow template, select the form template from the Form Template dropdown.

  • For each Add Role to Phase Trigger:

    • Select the phase, role, and user.

    • If applicable, check Sequence Participant.

  • Select Phase Owner or Phase Mediator from the Phase Management Role dropdown. If applicable, check the Phase Owner can complete phase before all sequenced participants have completed their turns checkbox.

  • Select the phase manager user.

    • If you selected Phase Mediator for Phase Management Role, select a phase mediator from the Phase Mediator dropdown.

    • If you selected Phase Owner for Phase Management Role, select a phase owner from the Phase Owner dropdown.

  • Click Save.

Notify Phase Owner

About the Notify Phase Owner or Mediator Trigger

When the trigger condition is met, the Phase Owner or Mediator will receive an email notification that the trigger condition has been met.

How to Manage a Notify Phase Owner or Mediator Trigger

  • From the Sections tab, click Triggers to open the Manage Field Triggers modal
    From the Triggers tab, click the pencil icon next to the trigger you want to edit.

  • Select the field from the Field dropdown.

  • Select a condition from the Condition dropdown.

  • Enter the condition value.

  • Select Notify Phase Owner or Mediator from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • Click Save.

Block Phase

About the Block Phase Trigger

When the trigger condition is met, the phase will be blocked until an Admin intervenes.

Triggering a Blocked Phase

Phase participants are notified when a condition has been met for the phase to be blocked.

  • Underneath the field that met the trigger, the following message will appear in red static text:
    Acceptable value is <trigger condition>. This workflow will be blocked upon clicking Submit or Complete, and Administrators will be notified.

  • A yellow bootstrap message will appear with the following text:
    Based on the identified trigger condition, this workflow will be blocked once <primary button> is clicked. Administrators will be notified to assist in resolving the issue.

If a block phase trigger is met and the user attempts to submit the phase or review, then a modal with a prompt, the trigger condition(s), and a Notes text field will appear.

  • The prompt will read: One or more trigger conditions have been met, placing this workflow in blocked status. The information you enter below will be sent to the Administrators so they can assist with resolution.

  • The Notes text field, which is a required field, will allow the user to provide reasoning for entering values that will block the workflow.

  • Upon completing the Notes field, the user can submit the phase or review from the modal.

    • Alternatively, the user may click Cancel or ✖ to return to the workflow.

Only an Admin can take action on a phase in a blocked workflow.

  • If a user enters a value that will block the phase, they’ll see a warning message.

  • If the user submits that value, then the phase will be blocked. The Phase Manager and Admins will be notified.

  • If the Admin unblocks the phase, they will be sequenced in as a participant. Alternatively, the Admin may cancel or retract the workflow, or skip the remaining participants and complete the phase.

  • The Admin will address the triggering value (or values) and submit their review. Alternatively, the Admin may cancel or retract the workflow, or skip the remaining participants and complete the phase.

  • The Phase Manager will be notified that the block has been resolved. 

A blocked workflow will have a workflow phase status of Blocked.

A phase is in Blocked phase status if a trigger condition has been met and a review/approval phase has been submitted.

When a phase is blocked:

  • The Blocked status appears in the Status column of the worklist queue, so users can filter and sort by any workflows in blocked status. (The Status column does not appear by default. It can be added via the Filter Table widget.)

  • The Submit button for submitting the phase or review is replaced with the Unblock button, which is only viewable to Admins.

  • Phase participants see a yellow bootstrap with the following text: The current phase is blocked and is awaiting Administrator action. See the Workflow History for details.

  • All fields are read only, and the ellipsis menu is hidden for all users except Admins, which disallows phase participants from skipping a participant, retracting the phase, canceling the workflow, or reassigning the workflow.

Blocked workflows are treated as active workflows.

  • Blocked workflows are listed in the worklist queue without the Include Previously Completed Items toggle needing to be turned on.

  • Deactivating a workflow template affects a blocked workflow using that template.

  • If a workflow is blocked, another workflow cannot be initiated. Users will receive the message Please complete the in-process workflow before initiating another.

  • Blocked workflows are included in the Workflows in Progress widget on the dashboard.

  • Blocked workflows are included in the Workflow Activities tab in on contract summary pages, Vendor profiles, and Provider profiles.

  • A proxied user will be assigned as the Phase Owner or Phase Mediator if the original user is out of office.

An Admin can unblock the phase.

  • Upon clicking Unblock Phase on the workflow, a modal with the trigger condition(s) and a Notes field will appear.

    • The Notes field is optional, and any notes inputted are listed in the workflow history.

    • From the modal, the Admin can click Unblock Phase.
      To close the modal without unblocking the phase, the Admin can click Cancel or ✖.

  • Once the phase is unblocked:

    • The Admin who unblocked the phase is sequenced in after the participant who blocked the phase.

    • The workflow status changes to Active, and the phase is editable.

    • The sequenced Admin can address the triggering value(s) and submit their review. Alternatively, the Admin may cancel or retract the workflow, or skip the remaining participants and complete the phase.

The Admin who unblocked the phase can mark the value (or values) that triggered the block phase as acceptable.

  • If the Admin attempts to complete their turn without changing the value(s) that triggered the block phase, then a modal with a prompt, a Notes field, and the values that will be marked as acceptable will appear.

    • The prompt will read: All values that met the block phase trigger condition will be marked as accepted upon submission.

    • The Notes field will be optional.

    • The Admin can click Yes, Confirm Values to mark the value(s) as accepted.
      To return to the workflow and not accept the values, the Admin can click No, Take Me Back or ✖.

  • If the Admin marks the values as acceptable:

    • The Admin’s name, the triggered field, the accepted value(s), and the date and time stamp will be recorded in the workflow history.

    • The fields with accepted value(s) will have green static text: <Value> has been accepted by an Administrator and will not block this phase.

    • If the phase is blocked again with a new acceptable value, the latest acceptable value by the Admin will be used.

How to Manage a Block Phase Trigger

  • From the Sections tab, click Triggers to open the Manage Field Triggers modal
    From the Triggers tab, click the pencil icon next to the trigger you want to edit.

  • Select the field from the Field dropdown.

  • Select a condition from the Condition dropdown.

  • Enter the condition value.

  • Select Block Phase from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • Click Save.

Add Document Template to Phase

About the Add Document Template to Phase Trigger

When the trigger condition is met, the pre-selected document template will be added to the workflow.

The Document Template Trigger reduces the risk of a Phase Manager selecting the wrong document template, which is particularly helpful when a contract type has several document templates to choose from.

  • When setting up the trigger at the workflow template level, the Admin can specify the Document Phase and the Contract Type.

  • More than one document template can be inserted with a single trigger.

  • The trigger will fire when the user completes the phase, and the document template(s) will be added to the selected Document Phase:

    • When the condition on a field is met.

    • If the user added specific Contract Type(s) to the trigger setup for when a condition is met and the Contract Type(s) on the trigger match the Contract Type of the inflight workflow.

  • If the field is on multiple forms in the workflow and the trigger fired on one form, it will not fire again on the second form if the field has the same value that meets the trigger condition.

How to Manage a Add Document Template to Phase Trigger

  • From the Sections tab, click Triggers to open the Manage Field Triggers modal
    From the Triggers tab, click the pencil icon next to the trigger you want to edit.

  • Select the field from the Field dropdown.

  • Select a condition from the Condition dropdown.

  • Enter the condition value.

  • Select Add Document Template to Phase from the Trigger Action dropdown.

  • Click Save.

The Add Document Template to Phase Trigger requires additional set up on the workflow template.

  • On the Edit Form Phase page on the workflow template, select the form template from the Form Template dropdown.

  • For each Add Document Template to Phase Trigger:

    • Select a Document Phase from the Document Phase dropdown.

      • The phases listed are Document Phases included in the workflow.

      • If there is only one Document Phase included in the workflow, that Document Phase is the default.

    • Select document template(s) from the Document Template dropdown.

      • The list of available document templates is filtered for Active status and is the overlap between the Contract Types assigned to the workflow template and the document templates.

      • The field is multi-select.

    • Optional: Select a contract type from the Contract Type dropdown.

      • The list of Contract Types is filtered by the overlap of Contract Types assigned to the workflow template and assigned to the document template.

      • The Admin can select multiple Contract Types.

      • The Contract Types might not be limited to a subset of Contract Types. By default, all Contract Types populate the field, and the Admin can deselect Contract Type(s).

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