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Timesheet Workflow Phases



Initiate Timesheet

The Administrator initiates a timesheet.

Time Entry

The Timesheet Reporter manages the Time Entry Phase:

  • Add, edit, and delete time entries.

  • Add comments.

  • Add, edit, and delete attachments.

  • Certify the timesheet and send it to the Approval Phase.

In the Time Entry Phase:

  • The ellipsis menu is hidden for Timesheet Reporters and Timesheet Assistants.

  • The Reject button is hidden in the ellipsis menu for all users.

  • The Cancel button is available in the ellipsis menu for Admins.

Timesheet Approval

The Timesheet Approver (or Approvers) manages the Timesheet Approval Phase:

  • Add comments.

  • Add, edit, and delete attachments.

  • Approve the timesheet and send it to the Financial Review Phase. If there are multiple reviewers added, the next reviewer is notified if is their turn to approve the timesheet.

  • Reject a timesheet and send it back to the Time Entry Phase.

In the Timesheet Approval Phase:

  • Timesheet entries are read-only.

  • The ellipsis menu is hidden for Timesheet Reporters and Timesheet Assistants.

  • The Reject button and the Cancel button is available for Admins and Approvers.

Timesheet Financial Review

The Timesheet Financial Reviewer manages the Timesheet Financial Review Phase:

  • Add comments.

  • Add, edit, and delete attachments.

  • Complete a timesheet by clicking Payment Complete.

  • Reject a timesheet and send it back to the Time Entry Phase or Timesheet Approval Phase.

In the Timesheet Financial Review Phase:

  • Timesheet entries are read-only.

  • The ellipsis menu is hidden for Timesheet Reporters and Timesheet Assistants.

  • The Reject button and the Cancel button is available for Admins and Financial Reviewers.

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