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Time Entry & Certification

The Time Entry Phase is the second phase in the TERMS workflow, in which an Admin or Timesheet Reporter adds and certifies time entries.

Once time entries have been certified, the workflow will move to the next phase. In most TERMS workflows, the Timesheet Approval Phase will follow the Time Entry Phase.

Who can do this?

  • Only an Admin, Timesheet Reporter, or Timesheet Assistant can complete time entries.

  • Only an Admin or Timesheet Reporter can certify a timesheet.

  • The Admin, Timesheet Reporter, or Timesheet Assistant must have appropriate organizational permissions to access the contract associated with the timesheet.

When can you do this?

When a timesheet has been created for a provider, the user will receive an automated email notification prompting them to add time entries and certify the timesheet. The email will contain a link to the timesheet.

If you clicked the timesheet link in an email, you’ll be directed to the timesheet. If you log into the application directly, you’ll see the worklist, where you can click on the appropriate timesheet.

How to Enter Time

  • Click Add Time Entry.

  • In the Add Time Entry modal, complete the form.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without adding the time entry, click Cancel or ✖.

When you select the Activity and enter a value in the Units field, the Add Time Entry dialog box displays the pre-defined activity rate and compensation. The Compensation field automatically calculates the total amount that is reimbursable for the activity, based on the number of units you enter and the pre-defined activity rate.

How to Certify Time

  • Review your time entries.

  • Click Certify Timesheet.

If the time entry does not meet the minimum requirements, a Minimum Alert modal will appear. The modal will list the requirement or requirements not met.

  • If you’d like to certify the timesheet without the requirement being met, click Yes.

  • If you’d like to go back to the time entry, click No or ✖.

  • In the Certify Timesheet modal, click Send Timesheet for Review/Approval.
    To close the modal without sending the timesheet for review/approval, click Cancel or ✖.

In the Certify Timesheet modal, you’ll see certification text.

How to Request that Your Timesheet be Unlocked

  • If a timesheet is not certified prior to the certification deadline, the timesheet will be locked. You will receive an automated email notification alerting you that the timesheet has been locked.

  • On the banner above the phase tracker, click on CLICK HERE TO CONTACT YOUR ADMINISTRATOR.
    A modal will open with this message:
    This timesheet was not certified by the certification deadline and has been locked. Please contact the administer if you have any questions.

  • Click the Contract Administrator button.
    In your default email application, a new email will open with the Admin’s email address auto-filled in the To field so that you can email the Admin about getting your timesheet unlocked.

  • If the Admin unlocks your timesheet, you will receive an automated email notification alerting you that the timesheet has been unlocked.

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