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Workflow Attachment Management

Who can do this?

Users with the following roles can add an attachment during their turn:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Phase Mediator

  • Reviewer

  • Approver

  • Signatory

  • Requestor

  • External Party

Users with the following roles can view or download an attachment during their turn:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Phase Mediator

  • Workflow Moderator

  • Reviewer

  • Approver

  • Signatory

  • Requestor

  • External Party

Users with the following roles can delete an attachment during their turn:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Phase Mediator

  • Reviewer

  • Approver

  • Signatory

  • Requestor

  • External Party

Where can you do this?

The Manage All Attachments Modal

Clicking Manage All will open the Manage All Attachments modal, which includes a table for attachments and additional actions that can be performed for attachments.

  • Attachments are displayed in a standard table, with the Filter Table, Manage Columns, and Export widgets.

    • The following columns appear by default:
      Actions | Category | Filename | Confidential | Visible to External Party | Effective Date | Expiration Date | Subject | Notes*
      *This column will display a max of 20 characters. Hovering over the ellipsis (…) will reveal the full note.

    • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
      Created By | Created On | Modified By | Modified On


  • By hovering over the attachment then clicking the ellipsis in the Attachments panel, users can edit, download, or delete the attachment.

  • In the Actions column of the Manage All Attachments modal, users can view, edit, download, or delete the attachment.

    • Click View to open the attachment in the document viewer. In the document viewer, the Download, Upload, and View History actions will be available.

      • When a user uploads a new version, the filename, date and timestamp, and user’s display name will be recorded under View History.

      • Any previous versions will be available under View History.

    • Click Edit to open the edit attachment modal.

    • Click Download to download the attachment.

    • Click Delete to delete an attachment. A confirmation will appear briefly.

How to Add an Attachment

  • Under the Attachments tab, click the (+).

  • Select an attachment to upload.

  • In the Add Attachment modal, complete the form.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without adding the attachment, click Cancel or ✖.

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