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Reassign a Workflow

Why do this?

Reassignment allows you to change certain attributes of the contract without losing in-flight data.

Who can do this?

  • Admins

  • Current Phase Owner

When can you do this?

  • Workflows can be reassigned during any phase of an active workflow.

  • A workflow initiated from an existing contract can only be reassigned if the contract status is Active, i.e. neither Expired nor Terminated.

  • Reassignment can only be performed on workflows with the Action Types of New and Amend.

For TERMS customers
If reassigning an Amend workflow on a contract with associated timesheets, you can only change the Contract Type to another Contract Type that allows for timesheet creation.

Where can you do this?

You can reassign a workflow by clicking the … (ellipsis) below the workflow header.

Additional Considerations

What can you change?

What can you not change?

What will be carried to the new workflow?

  • Documents, attachments, and comments added to the original workflow

  • Form field values entered in the original workflow if the same form fields exist in both workflow templates

What will be lost?

  • The original workflow ID

  • The original workflow history

  • The Contract Description

  • Any completed reviews, approvals, and signatures

  • Any Responsible Parties

    • Because reassignment allows you to change the Contract Type and Contract Location, users with permissions on the old workflow may not have permissions on the new workflow.

How to Reassign a Workflow

  • On the workflow page, to the right of the phase buttons, click on the (ellipsis).

  • In the menu, select Reassign Workflow.

  • In the reassign workflow modal, select the new workflow attributes:

The available selections follow the same logic employed in the Initiation Phase.

  • To complete the process, click Reassign. You'll be redirected to the worklist.
    To cancel the process, click Cancel. You'll be redirected to the current phase of the workflow.

Upon reassignment:

  • The number of Days Active for the workflow will be reset to 0.

  • The reassigned workflow will start at the Initiation Phase.

  • The user who reassigned the workflow will be the *Initiator on the new workflow.

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