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What is it?

The dashboard is a set of widgets providing an overview of various parts of the system:

  • Aging Workflows, Phases, and Actions

  • Cumulative Flow Diagram by Workflow Template

  • Workflows in Progress

  • Your Critical Dates

Who can see it?

Information shown in the widgets is filtered based on the permissions of the user viewing the dashboard.

  • Admins

  • Workflow & Contract Moderators

  • Phase Owners & Phase Mediators

  • Reviewers & Approvers

  • Signatories

  • Editors

How to Use the Dashboard

  • Click on Explore in the menu bar, then select Dashboard.

  • To update a widget, click the refresh icon. The widgets update periodically. Each widget shows a timestamp of when it was last updated.

  • Clicking on a chart or table in a widget redirects you to another page with more information.


Aging Workflows, Phases, and Actions

This widget shows any workflows, phases, or actions that are taking longer than a user-selected threshold to complete.

  • The following information is displayed in a table with each row linking to its workflow:
    Type (Workflow, Phase, or Action) | Workflow Name | Workflow Age | Current Phase | Current Phase Age | Pending Action | Action Age | Phase Owner

  • Under Manage Settings, you can change filter settings for workflows, phases, and actions. Available filters are Contract Locations, Contract Types, Workflow Templates, Primary Other Parties, and number of days.

    • After clicking Save, this setting remains unless you clear the settings or update them.

  • When there are no workflows/phases/actions to show, the widget display the following message: No aging workflows, phases, or actions to display.

  • The user can set different numbers of days for different phases (e.g. Signature Phases taking longer than four days and form phases taking longer than one day).

  • The user can to set different numbers of days for different actions (e.g. signatures taking longer than two days and approvals taking longer than one day).

Cumulative Flow Diagram by Workflow Template

This widget helps to identify large-scale bottlenecks and changes in throughput.

  • Information is displayed as a stacked line chart.

  • Selecting a workflow template from the dropdown will prompt the cumulative flow diagram (organized by phases) for all workflows in your organization using that template.

  • Under Manage Settings, you can further refine the diagram by the following filters:
    Contract Types | Contract Locations | Primary Other Parties

    • After clicking Save, this setting remains unless you clear the settings or update them.

    • The diagram defaults to showing all time, but the user can refine the date range.

Workflows in Progress

This widget shows how many workflows are in progress and how those workflows are progressing.

  • The widget displays this information as a donut chart, with the total number of workflows displayed in the center and the ratios displayed around the center.

  • Only 19 individual categories are displayed, and the rest are grouped into Other, to prevent the chart from being overcrowded.

  • From the dropdown, you can select how the total number of active workflows is divided:
    By Contract Type | By Current Active Phase | By Workflow Template

Your Critical Dates

This widget shows Editors, Responsible Parties, and other critical date notification recipients a list of upcoming critical dates.

The widget only shows upcoming critical dates. Past critical dates are not shown.

  • Information is displayed in two tabbed tables: Incomplete and Complete Critical Dates.

  • The widget shows all approaching critical dates within the selected number of days specified for which the user is a Responsible Party or other critical date notification recipient. 

    • From the dropdown, you can set a number of days. (Default is 30 days.)

  • The list of critical dates includes Critical Date Subject, Critical Date, Contract Name, my responsibility (Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Responsible Party), and the name of the user who created the critical date. Each item in the list links to the appropriate critical date.

  • When there are no critical dates to list, the widget shows the following message: No upcoming Critical Dates to display.

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