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User Profile Management

Who can do this?

  • Only Admins can see, create, and edit user profiles.

  • Users with the following roles can see the user directory:

    • Admin

    • Phase Owner

    • Phase Mediator

    • Workflow Moderator

    • Reviewer

    • Approver

    • Signatory

    • Contract Moderator

    • Editor

How to Access User Profiles

  • Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Users.

  • Click on a user name to open the user profile.

User Directory

User profiles are displayed in a standard table, with the Filter Table, Manage Columns, and Export widgets.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    First Name | Last Name | Email | External ID | Job Title | Phone | Last login

  • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
    Inactive | Name

By default, the table only displays active users.

  • To see inactive users as well, click the Include Inactive Users toggle.

    • To hide inactive users, click the toggle again.

How to Create a User Profile

  • Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Users.

  • Click Create User.

  • In the Create New User modal, enter the user’s information.

  • The email address will serve as the username. Once the user profile has been saved, the email address cannot be changed without intervention from the symplr Contract customer support team.

  • Group email addresses cannot be used.

  • The Internal User ID will auto-populate.

  • To save the user profile and close the modal, click Save.
    To save the user profile and manage the permissions, click Save & Manage Roles.
    To close the modal without saving the user profile, click Cancel or ✖.

You must assign a permission set for the user to be able to do anything in the application.

  • After you’ve set up the user’s profile and permissions, instruct them to go to the login URL (provided by symplr Contract) and use the Forgot Password? link to obtain a password reset email.

How to Add a User Permission Set

  • For a new user, click Save & Manage Roles after entering the user information.
    For an existing user, click on the User Permissions tab in the user profile.

  • In the organization tree, select any Contract Locations the user will need to access in this role.

For multi-organization tenants:

Admins with multi-organization permissions can associate a single user profile with multiple organizations.

  • In the Manage User Profile and Create User Profile modals, select an Organization in the dropdown.

  • You can only add or manage user permissions for the current Organization.

  • Select any contract types the user will need to access in this role.

    • To select all contract types, check the box.

    • To see contract types for a particular category, click on Filter by Contract Category.

  • To make the user available for selection as the Default Assignee within any applicable user groups, check the Default Assignee box.

Select one or more roles:

For details on what each role can do, see the role matrices.

  • Admin manages workflows and contracts, directories, user groups, and organizational items such as workflow templates. Can act as Phase Owner for any workflow.

  • Phase Owner manages a particular phase within a particular workflow.

  • Phase Mediator manages a particular phase within a particular workflow, but has fewer privileges than a Phase Owner.

  • Workflow Moderator has read-only access to every phase of every workflow, but cannot make any changes to those workflows.

  • Reviewer reviews changes and helps the Phase Owner or Mediator complete workflow tasks.

  • Approver approves changes and helps the Phase Owner or Mediator complete workflow tasks.

  • Signatory can see and sign the document in the Signature Phase of the workflow.

  • Requestor can request that a contract workflow be initiated. (This is only for organizations utilizing Contract Requests.)

  • External Party can interact with the workflow in a limited capacity as a Reviewer and Signatory.

You can add multiple roles and permissions sets for each user, even within the same organization, with two exceptions: If you assign a user the role of Requestor or External Party, then all other roles and permissions sets will be removed.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving the user profile, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Edit a User Profile

  • Navigate to the user profile.

  • Edit the fields as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving changes, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Deactivate a User Profile

  • Navigate to the user profile.

  • Click Disable User.

  • Click Confirm.

Upon deactivation, the user will no longer be able to log into symplr Contract, and will no longer receive system notifications.

Are you deactivating a user because their employment has been terminated? Here are other actions we recommend:

  • Run a report on contracts to check if the user is a responsible party.

  • Run a report on active workflows to check if the user is a participant.

  • For TERMS customers, run a report on active timesheets to check if the user is a Timesheet Reporter, Approver, or Financial Reviewer.

  • Check critical dates where the user may be a recipient.

  • Check for user groups containing that user—you can filter the table by user name.

  • Check for workflow templates where the user may be a participant (triggered or otherwise).

How to Reactivate a User Profile

  • Navigate to the user profile.

  • Click Enable User.

How to Edit a User Permission Set

  • Navigate to the user profile.

  • Click on the User Permissions tab in the user profile.

  • Expand the permissions set list.

  • Click Edit for the permission set you want to change.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving changes, click Cancel or ✖.

If you save changes to a user’s permissions that will affect workflow templates, then you’ll see a confirmation modal listing the workflow templates affected by the permissions change.

  • To receive a list of those templates via email, check the Receive a list of all Workflow Templates for reference box.

  • This will make it easier to review and edit workflow templates affected by changes to user permissions.

How to Delete a User Permission Set

  • Navigate to the user profile.

  • Click on the User Permissions tab.

  • Expand the permissions set list.

  • Click Edit for the permission set you want to change.

  • Click Delete.

Deleting a user’s permissions set will remove the user from any applicable workflow templates. However, it will not remove the user from any active workflows. To prevent the user from accessing active workflows, an Admin or Phase Owner will need to delete the user from the Phase Participants list in each active workflow where they are a Phase Participant.

How to Copy a User Permission Set

The ability to assign copied permission settings to additional users reduces the time and effort necessary to set up permissions of groups of users at a time by saving the trouble of reselecting many location nodes and contract types.

  • Navigate to the profile of the user whose permission set you want to copy.

  • Under the Contract Permissions tab, find the permission set you want to copy.

  • Click Assign.

  • In the Assign Users dropdown, select one or more user profiles where the permission set will be copied.

  • Click Assign.

    • You’ll see a confirmation message.

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